The Sugar Hill Conservation Commission meets the third Thursday of each month at the Carolina Crapo Building
Conservation Commission Members:
- Larry Sawyer, Chair
- Chris Ellms
- Claire Von Karls
- Judy Sawyer
- Charles Wolcott
- Jennifer Childs-Roshak
- Timothy Williams, Alternate
- Holly Hayward, Alternate
- Margo Connors, Alternate
- Hayley Droppert, Alternate
Resource for Sugar Hill Residents about Sugar Hill’s Watershed
In May 2024, a group of environmental science and policy students at Plymouth State College presented their work on the Tri-Town Water Sources for Easton, Franconia and Sugar Hill. Chris Nicodemis of the Franconia Conservation Commission, Linda Hansen of the Easton Conservation Commission and Charlie Wolcott of the Sugar Hill Conservation Commission worked with the students and Professor Amy Villamanga on this valuable web-accessible resource. The resource is available online through this link:
From the website: “The intent of this website is to provide Tri-Town residents with information on the impact of their daily activities on water resources. The Tri-Town Valley is a headwaters watershed, meaning that all the water we have originated within this watershed. …As people gain knowledge about the hydrology of the Tri-Town Valley, they can better understand how to protect water resources (quality and availability) and its surrounding environment. Watershed management involves monitoring, public participation, planning and restoration. Community education and engagement in watershed management plays a crucial role in informing local decision making as well as in preserving and protecting our shared water resources.”
The Sugar Hill Conservation Committee is enthusiastic to share this interactive and informative website. The Committee encourages all Sugar Hill residents to explore the website to learn more about our water resources. Please feel free to contact the Committee with any questions or concerns.
NH Turtle Rescue Presentation Sugar Hill Conservation Commission
Conservation Funds Application 2014
SHCC Selection Criteria for Conservation Funds Giving
Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust Website with Trail Maps
Bronson Hill Conservation Area Map
Robertson Trail Map 8-23-22
Franconia Lawrence Forest Map