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Town of Sugar Hill, Richardson Memorial Library, Sugar Hill Police Dept. and Sugar Hill Fire Dept. have FB pages.
Annual Report Year Ending 2024
2025 Warrant 2025 Budget MS636
MONDAY, April 7, 2025 6:00 PM
Carolina Crapo Building 1411 Route 117 Sugar Hill NH
The Selectmen will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, April 7, 2025 at 6:00 PM, as prescribed by RSA 31:95-b, Section III, and RSA 91A: 2 to discuss the acceptance and expenditure of unanticipated money from the State, Federal or other governmental unit or private sources by the Selectmen.
For the purpose of accepting funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Grafton County. This hearing is being conducted in accordance with NH RSA 31:95-b, Section III
New Tax Maps Online
Estimating costs of resurfacing roads in Sugar Hill January 27, 2025
The town has not received the site plan and variance application for the tower. Once received the Planning Board and Zoning Board will have meetings and the dates will be posted.
The Town of Sugar Hill has been approached by Blue Sky Towers in regard to installing a cell tower off Route 117 on Map 216, Lot 4 owned by Presby Family Ventures. This property is located on the left side of Route 117 if you are headed towards Lisbon, just past the former Presby Construction Offices. The site is across Salmon Hole Brook and on a 68 acre parcel.
The Select Board had an initial meeting with a tower representative and last evening took the first step in the process by denying a zoning permit as a variance and site plan review will be required. Dates and time will be announced.
The company will be doing a balloon float which is scheduled on March 15th or 16th 2025, between the hours of 9 AM and 1 PM between the hours of 9 AM and 1 PM. Members of the public can communicate to the Town any specific locations from which they would like to see photographs taken. The company will do their best to accommodate these requests. A balloon will fly at 150’ above ground level with a flag flown at 130’ above ground level. Residents must be home and sign a waiver.
Private Well Workshop & free water testing flyer
NH Department of Environmental Services and the NH Drinking Water & Groundwater Trust Fund are providing a workshop and free water testing to private well owners in Sugar Hill, Lisbon, Franconia and Easton!
We are at capacity for this workshop please send an e-mail expressing your interest to They will reply and let you know they are in the planning stages of scheduling the next workshop & water testing in the region (exact date and location are TBD, but it will not be far for Sugar Hill residents and will be late spring). they will contact you as soon as the next event has been scheduled, and give you an opportunity to register and participate.
If your drinking water comes from a private well, it’s important for the health of you and your family that you test your water regularly. New Hampshire well water can contain naturally occurring contaminants in soil and rock, such as bacteria, arsenic, radon and uranium; other contaminants can find their way into water from human activities, such as PFAS. Many private well owners in the region have found naturally occurring radon and uranium in their water. You can’t taste, smell or see these elements, but over time they can cause serious health issues and can be especially harmful to pregnant women and infants. If you find contaminants in your water, there are water treatment options you can use to remove them.
Participation is free for private well users in Sugar Hill, Lisbon, Franconia and Easton for the Private Well Workshop and water testing. Here’s how it works:
- You register for and attend the NHDES Private Well Workshop on Tue, March 25 at 6:00pm at Sugar Hill Meetinghouse, 1448 Route 117. Please register ahead of time, by e-mailing In the email, just say that you plan to attend the private well workshop.
- You’ll learn about the most common NH well contaminants, you’ll receive sample bottles and we’ll teach you how to take the samples from your kitchen faucet.
- Before leaving the workshop, you’ll choose a timeslot for sample drop off. The morning of your scheduled date, you’ll fill the bottles and bring them to a nearby location.
- We’ll e-mail you your water test results, water treatment recommendations if you need them, and our contact info for any follow up questions.
Water will be tested for a list of contaminants common in NH well water, including but not limited to: coliform bacteria, E. coli, radon, arsenic, uranium, lead and 4 PFAS compounds.
Please register for the workshop by sending an email saying you plan to attend to: For questions about the workshop, contact Amy Hudnor, NHDES Private Well Coordinator, at (603) 271-5986 or
Funds for water testing is provided by the NH Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund.
CPCNH Spring 2025 Rate Announcement – 2025-01-02
NEW BROADBAND INFORMATION – You can sign up, no obligation for future broadband options!!!
High speed fiber to the premise will be coming soon to many residents in Sugar Hill. The service is a result of federal grant monies available through the NH Business and Economic Affairs. Sugar Hill is lucky that the NH Electric Coop and Consolidated Communications (CCI) are both building fiber to the premise or home.
If you are an NHEC member, service may already be available. You may opt to sign up or inquire about service to your address at:
NH Broadband | Fiber Internet Powered by NH Electric Co-op | NH Broadband or go to
If you are a CCI or Spectrum Cable customer and not an NHEC member, you can pre-register for Fidium Fiber. Fiber engineering and construction will begin in December 2024 and is slated for completion in March 2025.
Pre-registering can help to move up the construction schedule so if you have not pre-registered for the service, you can do so at the link below:
Fiber Cities ( or go to
Then scroll down to check availability and put your contact information in. You will be asked to choose a product but it is non-binding. If your address is not recognized type, it back in slowly and try again. If it still is not recognized then contact the Sugar Hill Town Office or send email to where a list of missing addresses will be logged and sent to Fidium Fiber for confirmation on availability.
As part of our ongoing investments to deliver reliable energy to our customers and communities, Eversource will be replacing existing wooden pole structures in Campton, Thornton, Woodstock, Lincoln, Easton, Sugar Hill, Bethlehem, Dalton, and Whitefield, N.H. This work will be taking place within the existing right-of-way (power line corridor) of the X178 Line, a 115kV transmission line.
This transmission line is 49 miles long and is located between the Beebe River Substation in Campton and the Whitefield Substation in Whitefield, N.H. In total, 470 wooden H-frame structures will be replaced, and new conductor (power line) and fiber optic cable, known as Optical Ground Wire (OPGW), will be installed the length of the line. The project also includes replacing poles along the Streeter Pond Tap, a 225-foot-long power line that connects the U199 transmission line to the X178 line in Sugar Hill.
GENASYS PROTECT Emergency Notification System
The Sugar Hill Emergency Management Director (EMD), Fire and Police Departments, in partnership with the Grafton County Sheriff’s Department, have changed to a new Emergency Notification System.
It is important that all residents and businesses within the dispatch area subscribe to the system to ensure proper notification can be made during an emergency. Subscription is quick and easy, and your information will remain confidential within our system and not be used for any other purpose.
The Town newsletter to bring you town information is being published twice a month: Please click to sign up for the next issue.